1.4. Frequently Asked Questions

1.4.1. Who can be a Chaplain? 

 We can recruit chaplains from most mainstream denominations. Our largest number of Chaplains come from the Anglican Church, where to be eligible you need to hold a Bishop’s license as Priest, Deacon or Licensed Lay Minister (Reader). This is broadly paralleled in other denominations, the general rule of thumb being that you have had some sort of accredited training and are endorsed by your denomination. We follow the Royal Navy Chaplaincy determinations in the list of which denominations are accredited and which are not. 

 1.4.2. How much time will it take? 

 As with most Ministry, Sea Cadet Chaplaincy will take as much as you can give. In practise some chaplains attend their unit every week whilst others can only make it once a month. We fully realise that in the modern world the pressures on life and ministry are considerable and would rather there was no guilt attached if you can offer less rather than more time. 

1.4.3. But I’ve never been a chaplain before? 

 Most of us hadn't until we started Sea Cadet Chaplaincy. If your heart is in the right place and you are in Christian leadership you have the capability of being a good chaplain. Many chaplains enjoy the work as it is an escape from some of the usual ‘church management’ issues that take up a lot of ministry. We provide an initial 4 day training course for new chaplains that we encourage all to come on which you help you get going well. 

1.4.4. What support is there for me? 

As well us unit chaplains we have district chaplains for each disctrict (collection of units) who are usually an experienced chaplain you can always contact. In addition to this, each area has an Area Chaplain and we have a Staff Chaplain (Revd Ian Froom) and Corps Chaplain (Revd Graham Hitchins) who liaise on our behalf with national Headquarters and represent the Chaplaincy further afield including our relationship with the Royal Naval Chaplaincy. 

1.4.5. Can I give it a try? 

 Of course. Most units would be happy for you to come along and to show you round. Many chaplains would also be happy for you to shadow them.