3. Serving through Giving Teaching
Each unit evening and other weekends have opportunities for the chaplain to be involved in the teaching of cadets.
These can be divided in to two main areas, the Core Values Training and Other lessons and support:

3.1. Core Values Training
The teaching syllabus for all Senior cadets includes Core Values that the Chaplain is expected to take a lead in delivering (although they are by no means exclusive to us and can be delivered by anyone competent).

3.2. General Corps Teaching
If as a chaplain you have proficiency in any topic that is part of the sea cadet syllabus then do offer to teach that too.
Many of us come with experience of various topics, from seamanship to map reading, all of which appear somewhere in there syllabus.
Later on in a cadets progression there is a substantial shift in their development towards leadership.
Many chaplains have a lot of leadership experience which may be usefully offered.

3.3. Lesson Support
Many evenings as a chaplain might involve spending some time in a lesson someone else is teaching so it is always a good idea to support as you can all that is being taught.
There are two routes here - to be a helpful advisor if its a subject you know a lot about, or to be a keen and dutiful learner in a subject you know nothing about.
A chaplain with a good and open heart goes a long way!

3.4. New Entry Training
Oner of the roles of the Chaplain can be to prepare New Cadets for their induction - this usually involves working through the Sea Cadet Promise and other parts of the New Entry Syllabus.
This can be a good opportunity for the chaplain to begin get to know the cadets.

3.5. Materials
The Naval Military and Air Force Bible Society produce various Sea Cadet related publications some of which may support your lessons.
These include a Sea Cadet Bible which my be presented to all Newly Inducted Cadets and a small Core Values booklet which may be given out as part of the Core Values teaching.
These are available for free or from donation through the NMAFBS who can be contacted at