1.6. Who's Who

The Chaplaincy is led by the Corps Chaplain, Keith Robus and the Staff Chaplain, Andrew Schuman.
Each area has an Area Chaplain who looks after all chaplaincy matters in her or his area.

1.6. WHO'S WHO

Corps Chaplain and Staff Chaplain

Corps Chaplain
Revd Keith Robus RN
Keith is the Leader of the Chaplaincy and all us chaplains as well as having a particular ministry to the Staff at national headquarters. 
Keith is a very experienced Royal Naval Chaplain, currently stationed at BRNC Dartmouth where he cares for Staff and Officers in training
Tel: 0300 152 5465
Email: corpschaplain@ms-sc.org
Staff Chaplain
Revd Dr Andrew Schuman RNR
The Staff Chaplain is the XO of the Chaplaincy, operating as the Corps Chaplain's no 2. As well as leading the running of the 'branch' he has a a particular focus leading our strategic development and training, with our relationships with the RN, Sea Cadets and accrediting denominations
Andrew is an experienced chaplain having a similar role as St John Ambulance's Sub-Dean.
He is a Vicar working in South Bristol, and a Franciscan Tertiary.

Tel: 0117 909 4235

Area Chaplains

Each area has an Area Chaplain who leads the Chaplaincy in Area, sits on Area SMTs and is the first point of contact with appointments.

Revd Miles Pateman RNR
SW Area Chaplain
Ven Luke Miller RNR
London Area Chaplain
Tel: 020 3837 5205
Email : archdeacon.london@london.anglican.org
Very Revd Dr Emsley Nimmo
Northern Area Chaplain
Tel: 01224 644969 
email: alexander306@btinternet.com
Revd Jim Horton RNR
Southern Area Chaplain

Senior World Faith Chaplain
Geshe Tenzin RNR 

Geshe Tezin (Matthew Percival) is our Chaplaincy World faith lead and responsible  for all World Faith Chaplaincy appointments. He is an expert on a whole variety of faiths and faith issues.

North West Area Chaplain 
Fr David Gamble RNR 

David looks after the North West of England

Eastern Area Chaplain
Revd Chris Buckley RNR

Chris looks after Eastern Region

Senior Royal Marine Chaplain

Coming soon...

Senior Female Chaplain

Coming soon

1.6. Who's Who

Sed pede ullamcorper amet ullamcorper primis, nam pretium suspendisse neque, a phasellus sit pulvinar vel integer.

1.6. Who's Who

Sed pede ullamcorper amet ullamcorper primis, nam pretium suspendisse neque, a phasellus sit pulvinar vel integer.