No 1 Dress

The occasions when Sea Cadet Officers wear best uniforms (1B and 1C) will normally require Chaplains to be in their ecclesiastical dress. 

It is therefore perfectly permissible for Chaplains to continue throughout any ceremony or parade wearing their cassocks. 
 However, those Chaplains who wish to purchase naval officers' uniforms may wear the following: 

1B (Best Uniform with Medals) 
(1) undress coat with no lace

(2) plain blue trousers (male officers)

(3) plain blue skirt (female officers)

(4) white long sleeved shirt with separate stiff collar or 
(5)  white long sleeved shirt with stock and clerical collar or 
(6)  black long sleeved shirt and clerical collar 
(7)  cap with chaplain's badge (male chaplains) 
 tricorn hat with chaplain's badge (female chaplains) 
(8)  black socks (with trousers) 
(9)  black stockings/tights (with skirt) 
(10)  black shoes without toecaps 
(11)  medals 

1C (Best Uniform with Medal Ribbons) 

 (1)  undress coat with no lace 
 (2)  plain blue trousers (male officers) 
 (3)  plain blue skirt (female officers) 
 (4)  white long sleeved shirt with separate stiff collar or 
 (5)  white long sleeved shirt with stock and clerical collar or 
 (6)  black long sleeved shirt and clerical collar 
 (7)  cap with chaplain's badge (male chaplains) 
 tricorn hat with chaplain's badge (female chaplains) 
 (8)  black socks (with trousers) 
 (9)  black stockings/tights (with skirt) 
 (10)  black shoes without toecaps 
 (11)  medal ribbons 
