An Introduction to Chaplaincy

An Introduction to Chaplaincy

We started with a typical evening - this was important. For chaplaincy done well is not about importing an external set of ideas to an alien context - but rather a ‘joining in’. Joining in with what God is already doing in the lives of all those present and in our shared life together. 

 Chaplaincy in that respect is deeply incarnational. For the Christian this reflects on the incarnation of Jesus Christ, God ‘with us’ Emmanuel. Because this was the model Jesus used himself it is no surprise that the Christian Faith especially fits chaplaincy well. 

 Chaplains to the Sea Cadet Corps can come in all shapes and sizes. Some of us are ordained, some of us lay, some working and some retired. Some of us will have a long association with the Navy or Maritime industry, others may not know the simplest knots…! 

 Different chaplains bring different things to the role they are doing.  